9 April 2013

Speech, dear reader? - What speech?

Today, some of our tabloids' political journalists and bloggers found a speech by Ed Miliband in Ipswich great fun. Nothing wrong with that at all; except that, especially in Tim Shipman's case, the joke included the ridiculing of several young members of the audience.

Tomorrow, there would probably have been a vitriolic article from Mr Shipman attacking the policies announced in the Labour leader's speech today but for the sudden death of Baroness Thatcher earlier.

If we're really lucky, he may combine a eulogy for Baroness Thatcher with a thorough lambasting of Miliband! Either way, his readers will understand no more of Labour's proposals than they did yesterday.... And you thought newspapers were there to inform!

Tim Shipman, Daily Mail:
(Note the inclusion of the link to an image of the three young people he was ridiculing.)

Tim Gatt ITV:

The 'Harry' in that tweet is Harry 'Height of Sartorial Elegance' Cole, @GuidoFawkes blog, The Sun and Spectator.

Update: An article in tomorrow's Mail by Shipman and John Stevens gives a cursory appraisal of Miliband's speech, preferring to accentuate the idea of a split amongst Labour MPs - a theme being pushed by most of the media.

Never mind - Mail readers may never know the details of the opposition leader's speech but will be grateful that Shipman gleaned so much amusement from the physical appearance of a few young people in the audience.

Further update, 9th April: At least someone was listening..!  From Rafael Behr in the New Statesman.